“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin
- Fact: Greater than 50% of adults living in the United States die “intestate”; “dying without a valid will in place”.
- Fact: If you die “intestacy”, with no valid will in place, intestate succession statutes (laws) are put into effect; these laws determining how your property is distributed.
- Fact: Intestate succession statutes may differ dramatically from your intended distribution.
- Fact: Although you may have communicated your desired intent; should no valid will be in place, intestate succession statutes take preference with no exception. No exceptions can be made based on need or special circumstance.
- Fact: Procrastination and the unwillingness to accept death as part of life are common reasons for not having a will. For those that do draft a will, a great majority will never look at it again.
Corbally, Gartland and Rappleyea, LLP is uniquely qualified to meet the needs of individuals seeking expertise in drafting a valid Last Will and Testament. Our attorneys have decades of collective experience in Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts, Advance Directives, Health Care Proxy and Living Wills.
Many families are faced with the realization that wills are necessary when it is too late – such as when an unexpected death or disability occurs. After a lifetime of caring for your family and for others, why would you leave the decision to distribute your assets outdated, or to the state?
A properly drafted Last Will and Testament provides to you and your loved ones the following security:
- Timely payment of all debts, taxes and administration fees.
- Execution of specific bequests (certain personal possessions will have special meaning to children, spouse, etc.)
- Provision for the special needs of a surviving spouse, children, intended individuals.
- Provision for any charitable considerations.
- The opportunity to appoint an executor of your estate with the authority to serve without bond with additional management powers not otherwise authorized by the state.
- The opportunity to appoint a guardian for any minor children.
- The possibility of a lengthy probate process and legal challenges; providing a more timely distribution of assets.
- The opportunity to make changes at any time while you are still alive.
Do not secure the protections of a Last Will and Testament and then forget about it.
As you move through life things change; marriage, purchase/sale of a home, children, divorce, illness. These changes can create situations where altering your will is necessary. Review with counsel your Last Will and Testament periodically so that your goals will be met.
To avoid the added stress on families during an already emotional time, Corbally, Gartland and Rappleyea, LLP welcomes the opportunity to meet with you and your family to discuss the drafting of a Last Will and Testament and your estate planning needs.
For more information about Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts, Advance Care Directives, Health Care Proxy and Living Wills call 845-454-1110. Ask to speak to one of our expert attorneys; Allan B. Rappleyea, Esq., Paul O. Sullivan, Esq., or Rena M. O’Connor, Esq.
For more information about Allan B. Rappleyea, Esq., click here.
For more information about Paul O. Sullivan, Esq., click here.
For more information about Rena M. O’Connor, Esq., click here
Please visit our website at www.cgrlaw.com to learn more about the various areas of legal expertise our attorneys can provide to individuals and businesses.